Death, divorce, loss of a job, severe illness or a tragic incident – are all unwelcome events that have the power to change the course of our lives and leave us in emotional turmoil. The need for support increases substantially during such difficult times. “Time” is often not the best healer. Sometimes, extra help is required to recover from these experiences. But a society that places undue importance on seeming strong, puts enormous burden on the person going through this time. It is a misguided experience!

Incomplete recovery from loss, grief or traumatic events can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and should be addressed at its earliest. I can’t say “I know how you feel” because I don’t. Neither will I tell you how you feel for you already know that. However, with an empathetic approach I can help you regain a balance of well being. I have worked with many people touched by life and its transitional aspects to heal, recover and rebuild their lives.

Schedule your complimentary consultation.